Texas Higher Education Data

High School Graduates

Data and reports for Texas high school graduates in higher education.

HS Grads Enrolled in Higher Ed

Data for Texas high school graduates from each academic year, that enrolled in Texas public or independent higher education in the following fall, are provided by county, district, high school, and statewide.

HS Grads GPA in Higher Ed

The THECB provides Texas high school districts reports on student performance in postsecondary institutions during the first year enrolled after graduation from high school.

HS Grads Higher Ed Outcomes

Regional summaries and high school campus detail of degrees earned within six years of high school graduation.

HS Grads Higher Ed Preparation (TSI)

The Annual Texas Success Initiative (TSI) Report of Student Performance provides information about the college readiness of high school graduates enrolled in Texas public higher education in the following fall. The Annual Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA) Summary Score Report summarizes the TSIA and TSIA2 scores of Texas public high school graduates.