1. External Data Resources |
  2. Online Applications |
  3. Workforce |
  4. Higher Education Topics |
  5. High School to College (P-16) |
  6. Reporting to THECB |
  7. A–Z Index

Texas Higher Education Regional Portal

This portal includes information and data for integrating institutional and statewide 60x30TX planning efforts with regional planning activities. Regional links provide data about each of the state's 10 higher education regions. Additional regional information is available under 60x30TX.com - Regional Target Starter Kit.

Regional Data for 2018


Data by Higher Education Region for 2018


1 - High Plains Region 2 - Northwest Region 3 - Metroplex Region 4 - Upper East Region 5 - Southeast Region 6 - Gulf Coast Region 7 - Central Texas Region 8 - South Texas Region 9 - West Texas Region 10 - Upper Rio Grande Region

Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board | 1801 N. Congress Ave. Suite 12.200 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512-427-6101