Texas Higher Education Data

Data Portals

Interactive portals providing current and historical higher education data and reports.


Visit our new data website, Texas Higher Ed data (THECB Data). Get a broad, statewide view into our progress on Building a Talent Strong Texas and interact with our new data visualizations.

Accountability System

Explore the state's progress toward our goals for higher education. The Texas Higher Education Accountability System provides detailed data on the state of higher education in Texas and tracks performance on critical measures.

Interactive Data

This interactive portal contains data tables for reports presented within the Accountability System and provides the ability to download data for fiscal year 2014 and beyond into CSV and PDF formats.

Profile Reports (PREP) (1988-2015)

Data collected from Texas public higher education institutions for fiscal years 1988-2015 are summarized into management information system database tables for query access.

Regional Portal

This portal includes information, data, and tools for integrating institutional and statewide planning efforts with regional planning activities.

Regional Dashboards

Regional dashboards include information and data similar to the Regional Portal, but in an interactive visual format. Data is provided for each of the state's 10 higher education regions.